Cool Wood Face Pack

Size: 2 oz
Subtotal: $14.99
Cool Wood Face Pack

Cool Wood Face Pack


Cool Wood Face Pack

Size: 2 oz
  • Tightens pores.
  • Gives your skin a natural glow.
  • Prevents acne, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.
  • Soothes the skin and treats sunburn.
  • Helpful against psoriasis.
Ingredients- Fuller’s earth, Sandalwood, Ginger lily.


Mix water with ½ spoon of the mixture and make a paste, then apply the paste evenly onto your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face thoroughly. Repeat alternate days.

Store in a cool and dry place. Keep your product away from sunlight. Shelf life 12 months from purchase date.

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